Get to Fast Faster 2023

27-28 September 2023
Bangkok, Thailand

Liu Zhiyong

Deputy Chief Engineer
China Telecom

Mr. Liu Zhiyong is the Deputy Chief Engineer of China Telecommunications Corporation (China Telecom), as well as Chair of the Oversight Committee, WBBA.

Prior to that, Mr. Liu served in China Telecom as Managing Director of Procurement Supply Chain Management Center, Managing Director of Cloud-network Operation Department (Big Data and AI Center), CEO and Board Director of China Telecom System Integration Co., Ltd., Deputy Managing Director of China Telecom Anhui Branch, Deputy Chief Engineer of Post and Telecommunication Management Bureau in Shandong Province, sequentially.

Mr. Liu has over 30 years of managerial experiences in the telecommunications industry, across multiple functions such as network development, network operation and maintenance, digital transformation, procurement and supply chain management.

Mr. Liu graduated from the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications with a Master Degree in Electronics & Telecommunications and later received a joint Doctor Degree in Management from Renmin University of China and Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He also received a MBA from the State University of New York at Buffalo.